Hi, I'm Scooter!

I'm an Android Developer

And I'm passionate about QUALITY and PROCESS

(...and brunch)


Scooter's Resume


About me

Developer instincts

Independent from my folks, I bought my first computer at the age of 13 from paper-route earnings, and immediately taught myself my first programming language.

In high school, I paid to get an extra phone line installed and ran Quandra BBS, providing shareware, games and messaging for free to my community. This was back when people were just learning about modems. I called up the local university and asked if I could connect Quandra up to email via their Internet connection. The system administrator (Paul Balyoz) was so supportive! He told me about UUCP, and Quandra became the first in my area to offer Internet email to users.


I graduated from college with a degree in Computer Science and immediately went to work for a large military contractor, where I learned a tremendous amount about process, quality, and teamwork. I got to take on many roles in every stage of software development, and got to lead a few projects too.

I bring experience from years of successful project execution in the software industry to my role in Web Development. I have successfully executed software projects large and small and have won awards for doing so.


I'm originally from the southwest but I'm living my life-long dream of residing in New York City. I love the brownstones, the street food, the people watching, and the constant stream of activity...and brunch.

In my free time, I love to volunteer (I teach computer skills to seniors), travel (I have walked on all 7 continents), and I'm serious about fitness (though that sometimes conflicts with my love of brunch.)

Contact Me

...because I love to help!

(...or just because you have a great brunch suggestion! )

Personal icon for Scooter: a scooter
Invisible Invisible Invisible